The links listed below are intended to provide further background regarding Zion.  For further information feel free to send an e-mail to us.


Provides children's based messages with associated activities such as coloring pages and puzzles.

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Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

Willshire (Schumm), Ohio

Proclaiming a Changeless Christ for a Changing World!

Lutherans for Life

Witnessing to the sanctity of human life based on the Word of God.

Lutheran Hymnal

Songs of worship and praise from Lutheran hymnals in midi, mp3, lyrics and sheet music.

Church of

The Lutheran Hour

Charter member of the Lutheran Church

Missouri Synod

Worship Anew

Christ's love is shared through weekly scripture readings, church hymns, prayers, and a pastor’s message that reveals God’s grace and truth.

Provides ability to search the Bible for a specific passage or key word.

Answers in Genesis

Thousands of articles and media programs answer questions about creation/evolution, dinosaurs, and much more.

Concordia Publishing House

Audio Books, Bible Studies, Books, Education Materials, Music, and Worship Supplies available with online ordering.

Lutheran Hymnal Accompaniment

Hymns of The Lutheran Hymnal accompaniment in mp3 format.

The Lutheran Quartet

Favorite Lutheran hymns sung acappella by four voices.  Most hymns are from The Lutheran Hymnal in mp3 format.